Poland: Coffee-Checks all over the land
Dear AppJobbers,
Its the time again. For a pilot project in Poland we need hundreds of supermarket-checks in Warsaw and all other major cities. So if you also need to cool down, go to the supermarket and find the cooled shelfes and take pictures of all coffee drinks to go. The aim of the check is to get an overview of the refrigerated shelves and freezers and the product ranges they contain. So that you don't get too cold, freezers are excluded. The job applies nationwide in many supermarkets. Just in and out again .. And 22 Zł are yours.
Its the time again. For a pilot project in Poland we need hundreds of supermarket-checks in Warsaw and all other major cities. So if you also need to cool down, go to the supermarket and find the cooled shelfes and take pictures of all coffee drinks to go. The aim of the check is to get an overview of the refrigerated shelves and freezers and the product ranges they contain. So that you don't get too cold, freezers are excluded. The job applies nationwide in many supermarkets. Just in and out again .. And 22 Zł are yours.
The exact list of locations can be found within the appJobber app on the map. Start the appJobber app and follow the instruction in the detailed job description, in order to complete the job. Upon completion you will receive the payment for your photos.
Caution: This offer is limited on time.
Enjoy jobbing
Your AppJobber-Team
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